Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics

I think Quantum Mechanics takes a view that cannot be fully proven to explain its claims. It is a workable theory that is made of mathematical equations which are not reaching momentous problems, such as particle momentum, when magnetic waves wander due to matter reacting to gravitational waves.

I think particles react to magnetic waves in gravity but this must be proven. I believe particles have an atomic bond to gravity, magnetic in nature so is motion based in atom behavior. It gravitates toward matter in a movement of wave particles that is monotonous in its course. It motions in a circular pattern due to radiational waves in the orbit of such matter. It is absolute in a stationary state, which is only achieved when gravity is working towards its nucleus where density is unified and impregnable. It is like a motion of many moons toward its planet home, they are all moving in unison within the magnetic field of gravitational pull fusion that is within a singularity or density, that is when it fuses or bonds to a nucleus.

I think time is a continuous cycle that can move in a circle, back and forward to a space time managed system. I believe space time is malleable as a component of a multi dimensional web moving with world spin. It is man-made as a monitor with making time increase and move forward so we can record our past. I think it sits in the realm of reality in our world, not in other dimensions, which are numerous and planes of existence that cannot be explained as we live on this planet. It is a concept that requires an imaginative mind, such as Einstein had expressed through his theory of general relativity. It is a limited theory that should be continued in order to reach a more unified theory.

I think general relativity is close to an explainable theory of the universe because Einstein was interested in the way light traveled with gravitational pull from the sun and temperature. He was open to many other opinions and monotone thought that were bland and logical mathematically. I think quantum mechanics explain particles on a sub-atomic level well but needs work to unify with Einstein’s theories on gravity. We may be able to use black holes to explain gravity on the back of general relativity. I think Hawking was right, when he said black holes are not the last frontier.

Space time is very complex in its fabric due to gravity. I think increased solar radiation from the sun intensifies when gravity is magnetically charged by electrons and protons from particles reacting to light in matter of heat smelted rock in stars. Stars consist of metals, such as iron. Mentite charges metals to heat its core because of gravitational pull in its density. It is not what it makes but what it works in a climatic mix of particles that reach a pandemonium of molecular wonder, such as star clusters and gas clouds charged with atoms. Atoms are bonding particles to create matter. It is this attraction that keeps linking atoms in a compact, matter of particle molecular fusion of sorts.

I think we were created to make sense of this phenomenon because it is in our DNA. It embodies our souls, introducing us to our creator, the mentite that is running through our veins and is a part of our consciousness that takes us to the outer realms of the universe and its boundary to our forefathers.


  1. Kathleen

    Noah so happy to see your thoughts out here for all to read and ponder ❤️ I’m with Suzanne on trying to understand in my mind but feel in my heart it all makes sense! Keep on blogging Noah 👍

  2. Suzanne

    Great to see your blog up and happening! So much to digest in your post, I can’t even pretend to understand it, but I find the idea that mentite is in our DNA and and is what connects us to our past, to time I suppose whichever way it is traveling, really interesting.
    Thank you Noah for connecting us to your thoughts and I look forward to your next post.

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