
Wilful abortion is inherently inhumane, an injustice not only to the foetus but to the mother in a maternal sacrifice irreversible to the soul reincarnate, waiting to create life within the womb of love mother mercifully provides.

In life we take lasting memories, lawlessly choosing will over love to close windows lit in an attempt to control our destiny, this is not a natural law of the spiritual universe that embodies our psyche.

Love transference is a window open to the soul in a movement of rebirth, loitering in light to make its move in love’s transference. Imagine a world in immediate dimness waiting for light to guide its way out only to be murdered in a brutal, macabre assault. These souls have been blocked from light in life, inwardly interfered, inactive to the mammary of love and nourishment and it is in light that they find a path to life again.

Making laws to withhold women from aborting pregnancy will only increase the will to access illegitimate practices, endangering women and initiating crime to flourish. Women and girls need to be educated in the realities of pregnancy and abortion in a collective, informative and inclusive community that supports pregnant women through to motherhood.

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