Net Zero

Net zero can leave us vulnerable to global influences in a window open to international ideals. What is good for us is not emotive in a monetary movement, open to monotonous moments of minion induced alarmism that is not factual and unproven.To lose oneself is to lament aloud our monetary weaknesses, willing swindler’s the power…

Deforestation & The Amazon

I think the main issue is human population growth. It is a major urbanization instigator that is affecting our landscape and natural resources. I think human consumption is driving industrialization of wild land for farming purposes. This cannot be sustainable as we need a balance of nature and inhabitable space for a healthy planet. I…

Global Warming

I think we are placing too much emphasis on the climate change whirlwind that is consuming us. I believe we are given not what is present in our lives but a future world of what lies ahead. This is a gift that must be maintained as a home would. Maintenance is vital in order to…