Global Warming

I think we are placing too much emphasis on the climate change whirlwind that is consuming us. I believe we are given not what is present in our lives but a future world of what lies ahead. This is a gift that must be maintained as a home would. Maintenance is vital in order to increase longevity.

I think global warming cannot be the mountain of maintenance left to conquer in life. Mountains are malleable and moving with us in a turning world, they not only represent our world but our origins and the wonder of our planet that has seen ups and downs in the formation of earth. This aggravation of growth has been violent and not always in our best interests. The earth is a rock that is living like our bodies do. It is changing as we do but it never wanes on its course around the sun. The sun is its life force and is always in a state of rotation that is unstoppable due to gravitational forces.

The global warming debate is what keeps us going on climate change. I think the warming of the planet is an issue that is most likely attributed to a cycle of longitudinal differences that position us closer to the sun’s orbit. Changes in temperature can alter the seasons. Seasons are watched closely as they can change lives. I think we need to be mindful of the cycle of nature in order to understand its complexities.

Global warming is a nonsense concept that works on fear. It is gaining momentum as the climate is going through a transitional stage. It is not going to affect our lives in the way we think. It is a resistance of political pressure. Language is a strong motivational vehicle of information that carries with it a message of fear rather than truth. This will be never ending in our lives.

Education is a must to create generations of thinkers rather than followers. I believe we will be better informed in the future with the gaining of knowledge.


  1. Carla

    I agree Noah, that education is the most important thing for our society. Real education, not indoctrination. We need to be able to think for ourselves not think what we are indoctrinated to think.

  2. Ava

    Thank you for the post Noah, a subject of controversy to some but very insightful. I agree with you on the terms that global warming is enforced on people, particularly the younger generations to insight fear in order to advocate for a movement that is nonsensical as the climate is prone to change due to natural causes. Also, I enjoyed reading your informative intuition of how the mountains are moving with us and the sun’s incessant rotation, very interesting.

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