
Existence cannot be attributed with consciousness because if we are in a meditative state we are being, what I call transcendent and that is conscious in a mindful but lucid way.

I look like I’m not here but I am fully conscious of the world around me in a subversive way. It is not in matter that human consciousness is housed but in our psyche. It is outside of us, not inside. It is a spiritual law.


  1. Carla

    Wow Noah! Your thoughts and ideas are very interesting (though I think a bit beyond my ‘limited mind). I definitely agree that we are (well most of us) completely disconnected from the ‘higher mind/self’ which in turn adds to a loss of direction for the individual. It also contributes to the current state of humanity – our inability to ‘see for ourselves’ the reality of life and instead we give our power over to others (such as corporations and governments) which in turn does nothing to further any understanding of who humans truly are. Does this make sense?

    • Noah

      My thoughts on this are mainly in a collective sense, listening to the voices lost amongst the noise of loud mouthpiece’s in our homes and surrounding our reality, making us a community of minions, not individuals within the confines of a group thought.

      It is a monotonous misspeak of life’s malleable struggle within a reimagined utopia managed by social media and we are at odds with its message of immediacy.

      I think we are longing for a more meaningful connection to the world around us, as we navigate our way through the light window that is inevitable, illuminating our mind to the true meaning of life. It cannot be bought or borrowed, it must be found in our heart chakra, the higher self we maintain in our lives reincarnate.

      Immortal is the soul that finds it’s truth within life, moving to the beat of the universe to find it’s true calling amongst the stars. In time we will find the path out of the woods that blinds us and clear our vision, as we mitigate life’s mistruths and imitations.

  2. Carla

    Some are now suggesting that our brains do not house our consciousness, rather, our brains act as a receiver from our ‘higher self’, the part of us that is never ending. What do you think, Noah?

    • Noah

      I am always searching my mind for answers to what our mind is centring on when our window is in motion with the moon. It is in sync with orbit, lining our minds in words of wisdom, like carrier moons that will us to think thoughts of intelligence. A hard drive mined until millions have been resourced, lambasted in gold. Spent illusions of worth as inward thought is lost in mined intel inclusion of a collective intelligence that is increasingly open as we broaden our minds in linear patterns, magnetically connected to margins of illusionary frequency that is travelling in a wormhole, longitudinal to our universe as it transmits information.

      In life, light is an ‘Ishmael’ of window illusion that is introduced in birth, like an uncle is revisited in death. It lights millions of lost souls to a crossing, lit to guide those outcast from the illusion irreverent of moon motion connectedness, left to itself in a purgatory of sorts, imminent in man’s life window.

      I want to believe that we are initiated by ‘windows of light’, but it is affected by life’s experience as our ‘will’ allows us to make decisions that work against our inner voice. Life is a gift that is in risk of imitable lines of will, taking it in the wrong direction in a minion influenced society. Our higher self is untainted by the monotony of earthly existence, not connected as it should be in our modern world. This disconnect will cause the soul to lose it’s calling in a crossing to move as a soul reincarnate, instead held by purgatory. A limbo in a plane re-living this life.

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