
I want to write about the will of the Taliban. Lost within walls of clay, words of wisdom are written. They speak of religious mania that is lifting a doctrine of hate out of it’s hiding place. I can see the men in their millions rising with a mission to work it’s hateful law across the Middle East. It is a take over, worn down in a rhetoric of soul searching allies, calling the abandonment late, too confident in the assessment of the Afghan Government’s capabilities.

It will become a moment never forgotten, a moment to remember the manic escape from a country ‘gone to the dogs’. Another window in time initiated by the mistakes of moronic men and women of the West. Misunderstood messages that lull us into a false sense of security. Complacency will only create machines of murder in an ill-advised government. Managing the will of a nation is not an easy task. It is trust that is needed and it has been broken by this mis-managed evacuation.


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