The Universe

I think the universe is made up of dark energy that consists of hydrogen particles that take form as atoms, protons and quarks. They can create a radiation of sorts that hold the galaxies in place. This is what keeps our planets orbiting around the sun. The gas that surrounds the sun is allowing the planets the right to survive, it is our lifeforce. I think it is made of gases that are so great in hydrogen and protons that the pull of gravity is not strong enough to gage a neutral alignment of the solar system. I think research of the sun is going to help us understand our place in the solar system.

The sun was created by an explosion many light years ago, this was when our galaxy formed and the planets took shape from particles of dense metals such as magma, magnetic moons and man was part of molecular convergence of particles of neutrons that are scattered in unison from exploding star matter. I want to write about this phenomena.

I don’t care about the measurement of morse codes and space mechanics. I want to talk about the origins of our universe because this is what we need to know. I feel that god is a word for the weak. I believe that we come from other sources that are created, not in this galaxy but transported by light energy to our planets over time. This was our destiny and not created by chance. We never evolved from apes; we are pre-conceived by an alien race that could see into the future of our planet. I think that this is a plan that was many years in the making. I don’t think we can comprehend the magnitude of this concept. I feel we are not ready to know this information yet. I will write but not release my thoughts to the public. I don’t think we are capable of withholding this information in a sensible matter. I am excited for the future in writing.

The Corona is a remnant of gas particles that are hotter because they combine with hydrogen from the sun’s atmosphere, this is what will form the particles that create gamma rays and ultra violet rays that create life force particles that organisms grow with. I think the Corona is very important in the rays within our solar system. The solar wind accelerates because the Corona is made up of nano-flares that consist of its own radiation, this is what pushes the sun’s rays into space. The solar wind takes particles from its surface and scatters them throughout or solar system. The particles are filled with atomic nucleui, this is what integrates our galaxy and pushes its ether to expand. It is what contributes to the expansion of this galaxy. I think this will be detrimental to our galaxy because we will collide with other galaxies. I think we will see the effects of this in millions of years away. This is not a concern yet. I think expansion is not moving at a fast rate but a very slow speed. This won’t be a problem for us initially. I don’t think we are in danger because other galaxies are too far to make contact.

I think the ether is what holds our galaxy together because it is the magnetic force field that is grabbing the particles in our galaxy and moving them in a game of attraction and repulsion that gathers and contracts to take us in on a ride through space. This is what is placing us amongst the recesses of ether magnetic pull and push. Ether is made up of radiation and mentite, a metal that attracts all particles in space. This is what we cannot detect because it is not part of our planet.


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