
I think controlled vaccination is in line with authoritarianism. Wilful mandate is a locked home, made to manage many in a move to opening a state in a new world order.

It imitates what China has insatiably been practicing on their people. We must be free to decide in light of information from science not authoritarian politics.

It is resistance that prevents will from wanting an inoculation of ministerial interest, irrepressible in it’s motivation to wield power. More will be created in the push to control the mutations. It is a never ending fight for control that must be free to run it’s course without law and order to momentarily act as a roadblock.

In time it will slow down so we can acclimatise to it’s will to initiate a molecular reaction. With a vaccine the virus is contained in a reinstated world of molecular habitation that is robbing it of oxygen, thankfully. Slowing it’s growth will give us time to measure it’s long term effect on the human body, as we learn to live with these viruses that are inevitable in our lives on this planet.


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