
I am interested in narrativism of the linear window of light within a moon-lit wavelength.

‘Will’ acts as a marker to the millions ominously waiting in line to cross-over. Minion lives in unified legion arrive from their life origin to travel with warm motion, moving in a vacuous wormhole to a destination beyond the physical constraints of this life and to the wind we call home in limerick lines with little words lifting our window of ‘will’ to lit lines of love light. Waiting is an illusion in line with mans obsession for autonomy, lighting our governed lives in a delusion of freedom, beyond the confines of our walls in material minion desires. It is a movement in ‘will’ of necessity in all ‘things’ imitating each other’s lives in possessions we don’t need. Like the life of an illusion unfulfilled, imitation is a monochromatic, maniacal illusion of flattery, empty in content and lonely in more ways than inconclusivity in acceptance of it’s intention.

Life is characterised by the lie of love in chromosomes of our birth into a family life, like a clan or tribe, but in reality we are one and only locked in a cycle of comely mirror image lives of our family members. Monotone clones of each other in a ‘round-about’ of circumstance, trying to find a purpose in this life of monotony.

In life we choose our anime in a longitudinally aligned light, gifting us with reincarnation of moon-lit wonder, a marathon that is interconnected in time.

I see the journey ahead like a picture book, allotting my memory with life experience, monotonous yet long and moving always forward in space time, never without drama, willing me to be more than I am, like a man imitating life.


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